Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Tips for Effective Teacher to Teacher Communication

Tips for Effective Teacher to Teacher Communication Effective teacher to teacher communication is vitally essential to your success as a teacher. Regular collaboration and team planning sessions are extremely valuable. Engaging in these practices has a positive impact on teacher effectiveness. Education is a highly difficult concept for those outside the field to understand. Having peers that you can collaborate with and lean on during tough times is essential. If you find yourself in isolation and/or always having a conflict with your peers, then there is a reasonable chance that you may need to make some changes yourself. What to Avoid When Talking to Fellow Faculty Here are seven things to avoid when trying to build positive relationships with faculty and staff members at school. Do not talk about or discuss your co-workers with your students.  It undermines the authority of that teacher and additionally taints your credibility.Do not engage in conversation or discuss your co-workers with a parent. Doing so is unprofessional at best and will create significant problems.Do not talk about or discuss your co-worker with other co-workers. It creates an atmosphere of divisiveness, mistrust, and animosity.Do not isolate yourself on a regular basis.  It is not a healthy practice.  It serves as a hindrance to your overall growth as a teacher.Avoid being confrontational or combative.  Be professional.  You may disagree with someone engaging them inappropriately is juvenile at best which undermines your role as a teacher.Avoid starting, spreading, or discussing gossip and hearsay about parents, students, and/or co-workers. Gossip has no place in a school and will create long-term problems.Avoid being critical of your co-workers.  Build them up, encourage th em, offer constructive criticism, but never criticize how they do things. It will do more harm than good. How to Build Positive Relationships With Staff Members Here are eleven things to keep in mind when trying to build positive relationships with faculty and staff members at school. Encourage and show kindness and humility. Never let an opportunity to show kindness or encouragement to others to pass. Praise exemplary work, regardless of the person that did it. Sometimes you can turn even the most hardened of your fellow workers into real softies once they realize that you are not afraid to compliment them or give encouraging words, despite how they may perceive you ordinarily. At the same time, when giving criticism, do it helpfully and gently, never spitefully. Show concern for anothers feelings and well being. You will benefit immensely from even the smallest kindness shown.Be happy. Every day you go to work, you need to make a choice to be happy. Making a choice to be happy on a day to day basis will make people around you more comfortable on a day to day basis. Don’t dwell on negatives and maintain a positive attitude.Refuse to engage in gossip or hearsay. Dont allow gossip to rule your life. In the workplace, morale is vitally essential. Gossip will tear apart a staff faster than anything else. Do not engage in it and nip it in the bud when it is presented to you. Let the water roll off your back. Don’t let negative things said about you get under your skin. Know who you are and believe in yourself. Most people that talk negatively about other people do so out of ignorance. Let your actions determine how others see you, and they will not believe the negative things said.Collaborate with your peers – Collaboration is vitally essential among teachers. Don’t be afraid to offer constructive criticism and advice with a take it or leave it approach. Also of equal importance, don’t be afraid to ask questions or to ask for help in your classroom. Too many teachers think this is a weakness when it is truly a strength. Finally, master teachers share ideas with others. This profession is truly about what is best for the students. If you have a brilliant idea that you believe in, then share it with those around you.Watch what you say to people. How you say something counts for just as much as what you say. Tone does matter. Whe n confronted with a difficult situation, always say less than you think. Holding your tongue in a difficult situation will make it easier for you in the long run because it will create confidence among others in your ability to handle a similar situation. If you make a promise, you better be prepared to keep it. If you intend to make promises, you had better be prepared to keep them, no matter what the cost. You will lose the respect of your peers quicker than it took you to gain it by breaking promises. When you tell someone that you intend to do something, it is your responsibility to see to it that you follow through.Learn about others’ outside interests. Find a common interest that you have with others (e.g. grandchildren, sports, movies, etc.) and spark a conversation. Having a caring attitude will build trust and confidence in others. When others are joyful, rejoice with them; when troubled or in mourning, be sympathetic. Make sure each person around you knows that you value them and know that they are important.Be open-minded. Do not get into arguments. Discuss things with people rather than argue. Being combative or disagreeable is likely to put others off. If you don’t agree with something, think your response t hrough and don’t be argumentative or judgmental in what you say. Understand that some peoples’ feelings are hurt easier than others. Humor can bring people together, but it can also tear people apart. Before you tease or joke with a person, make sure you know how they are going to take it. Everyone is different in this aspect. Take into account another persons feelings before you poke fun.Don’t worry about accolades. Do your best. Its the best you can do. Let others see your work ethic, and you will be able to take pride and pleasure in a job well done.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How and Why Guinea Pigs Were Domesticated

How and Why Guinea Pigs Were Domesticated Guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) are small rodents raised in the South American Andes mountains not as friendly pets, but primarily for dinner. Called cuys, they reproduce rapidly and have large litters. Today guinea pig feasts are connected with religious ceremonies throughout South America, including feasts associated with Christmas, Easter, Carnival, and Corpus Christi. Modern domesticated adult Andean guinea pigs range from eight to eleven inches long and weigh between one and two pounds. They live in harems, approximately one male to seven females. Litters are generally three to four pups, and sometimes as many as eight; the gestation period is three months. Their lifespan is between five and seven years. Domestication Date and Location Guinea pigs were domesticated from the wild cavy (most likely Cavia tschudii, although some scholars suggest Cavia aperea), found today in the western (C. tschudii) or central (C. aperea) Andes. Scholars believe that domestication occurred between 5,000 and 7,000 years ago, in the Andes. Changes identified as the effects of domestication are increased body size and litter size, changes in behavior and hair coloration. Cuys are naturally gray, domesticated cuys have multicolored or white hair. Keeping Guinea Pigs in the Andes Since both wild and domestic forms of guinea pigs can be studied in a laboratory, behavioral studies of the differences have been completed. Differences between wild and domestic guinea pigs are in some part behavioral and part physical. Wild cuys are smaller and more aggressive  Ã¢â‚¬â€¹and pay more attention to their local environment than domestic ones and wild male cuys do not tolerate each other and live in harems with one male and several females. Domestic guinea pigs are larger and more tolerant of multi-male groups, and exhibit increased levels of social grooming of one another and increased courtship behavior. In traditional Andean households, cuys were (and are) kept indoors but not always in cages; a high stone sill at the entrance of a room keeps cuys from escaping. Some households built special rooms or cubby holes for cuys, or more typically keep them in the kitchens. Most Andean households kept at least 20 cuys; at that level, using a balanced feeding system, Andean families could produce at least 12 pounds of meat per month without decreasing their flock. Guinea pigs were fed barley and kitchen scraps of vegetables, and the residue from making chicha (maize) beer. Cuys were valued in folk medicines and its entrails were used to divine human illness. Subcutaneous fat from the guinea pig was used as a general salve. Archaeology and the Guinea Pig The first archaeological evidence of the human use of guinea pigs dates to about 9,000 years ago. They may have been domesticated as early as 5,000 BC, probably in the Andes of Ecuador; archaeologists have recovered burned bones and bones with cut marks from midden deposits beginning about that time. By 2500 BC, at sites such as the Temple of the Crossed Hands at Kotosh and at Chavin de Huantar, cuy remains are associated with ritual behaviors. Cuy effigy pots were made by the Moche (circa AD 500-1000). Naturally mummified cuys have been recovered from the Nasca site of Cahuachi and the late prehispanic site of Lo Demas. A cache of 23 well-preserved individuals was discovered at Cahuachi; guinea pig pens were identified at the Chimu site of Chan Chan. Spanish chroniclers including Bernabe Cobo and Garcilaso de la Vega wrote about the role of the guinea pig in Incan diets and ritual. Becoming a Pet Guinea pigs were introduced into Europe during the sixteenth century, but as pets, rather than food. Remains of one guinea pig were recently discovered within excavations at the town of Mons, Belgium, representing the earliest archaeological identification of guinea pigs in Europeand similar in time to the 17th-century paintings which illustrate the creatures, such as the 1612 Garden of Eden by Jan Brueghel the Elder. The excavations at the site of a proposed parking lot revealed a living quarter which had been occupied beginning in medieval times. The remains include eight bones of a guinea pig, all found within a middle-class cellar and adjacent cesspit, radiocarbon dated between AD 1550-1640, shortly after the Spanish conquest of South America. The recovered bones included a complete skull and the right part of the pelvis, leading Pigià ¨re et al. (2012) to conclude that this pig was not eaten, but rather kept as a domestic animal and discarded as a complete carcass. Sources History of the Guinea Pig  from archaeologist Michael Forstadt. Asher, Matthias. Large males dominate: Ecology, social organization, and mating system of wild cavies, the ancestors of the guinea pig. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, Tanja Lippmann, Jà ¶rg Thomas Epplen, et al., Research Gate, July 2008. Gade DW. 1967.  The Guinea Pig in Andean Folk Culture.  Geographical Review  57(2):213-224. Kà ¼nzl C, and Sachser N. 1999.  The Behavioral Endocrinology of Domestication: A Comparison between the Domestic Guinea Pig (Cavia apereaf.porcellus) and Its Wild Ancestor, the Cavy (Cavia aperea).  Hormones and Behavior  35(1):28-37. Morales E. 1994.  The Guinea Pig in the Andean Economy: From Household Animal to Market Commodity.  Latin American Research Review 29(3):129-142. Pigià ¨re F, Van Neer W, Ansieau C, and Denis M. 2012.  New archaeozoological evidence for the introduction of the guinea pig to Europe.  Journal of Archaeological Science  39(4):1020-1024. Rosenfeld SA. 2008.  Delicious guinea pigs: Seasonality studies and the use of fat in the pre-Columbian Andean diet.  Quaternary International  180(1):127-134. Sachser, Norbert. Of Domestic and Wild Guinea Pigs: Studies in Sociophysiology, Domestication, and Social Evolution. Naturwissenschaften, Volume 85, Issue 7, SpringerLink, July 1998. Sandweiss DH, and Wing ES. 1997.  Ritual Rodents: The Guinea Pigs of Chincha, Peru.  Journal of Field Archaeology  24(1):47-58. Simonetti JA, and Cornejo LE. 1991.  Archaeological Evidence of Rodent Consumption in Central Chile.  Latin American Antiquity  2(1):92-96. Spotorno AE, Marin JC, Manriquez G, Valladares JP, Rico E, and Rivas C. 2006.  Ancient and modern steps during the domestication of guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus L.).  Journal of Zoology  270:57–62. Stahl PW. 2003.  Pre-columbian Andean animal domesticates at the edge of empire.  World Archaeology  34(3):470-483. Trillmich F, Kraus C, Kà ¼nkele J, Asher M, Clara M, Dekomien G, Epplen JT, Saralegui A, and Sachser N. 2004. Species-level differentiation of two cryptic species pairs of wild cavies, genera Cavia and Galea, with a discussion of the relationship between social systems and phylogeny in the Caviinae.  Canadian Journal of Zoology  82:516-524.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Communication and Conflict Final Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Communication and Conflict Final - Essay Example In order to achieve the goals of conflict resolution, the mediator must have enough internal direction and good communication and interpersonal skills in order to come to an agreement with both parties (â€Å"Why Does Virginia Tech Have a Conflict Resolution Program?† 2009). Being able to speak eloquently and clearly as a mediator is a key role in how conflicts are negotiated. Both parties must feel like they understand what is going on within the conversation being had, not only with each other, but how the mediator is being understood by both parties. Good mediators are able to keep the subject at hand relevant to the discussion and can navigate difficult, at-times uncharted waters, so to speak. One approach to conflict is that â€Å" ‘we do not have to stay the way we are’; we all have more choices in conflicts tha[n] we assume† (Hocker, et. al., 1985, p. xi). According to Gerzon (2006), â€Å"As our world grows smaller, opportunities for conflict multiply. Ethnic, religious, political, and personal differences drive people apart--with potentially disastrous consequences--and its the task of perceptive leaders to bring them together again† (pgh. 1). Finally, a negotiator or person in conflict mediation needs to be helpful, above all things. If a negotiator is not helpful, chances are that the conflict could escalate or become blown out of proportion. Negotiators must seek to navigate that fine line which divides people who are at odds with each other. Being helpful is one of the key traits negotiators need to have in order to be successful at their job. Good negotiators are able to see any conflict from both sides and are able to navigate uncharted waters. The deft negotiator is one who nimbly and quickly thinks on one’s feet and can mediate in sticky situations. According to Britannica (2008), â€Å"[The creation of the such a one body, the League of Nations, was an idea strongly favored by

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Diabetes Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4

Diabetes - Research Paper Example The A1C Diagnostic Tool The testing of diabetes has long been faced with a myriad of challenges that include insufficient diagnosis of the disease. Several diabetes diagnostic tests have been developed over the years but all of them are not accurate as the Haemoglobin A1C level test. The A1C test is undertaken to test the amount of sugar present in the red blood cells. The test looks into the average blood glucose levels in patient’s body for a period of two to three months. The A1C test uses an averaging system whereby a patient’s blood glucose levels are tested based on a percentage system (Cunha-vaz, 2011). Diabetes tests conducted using the A1C diagnostic testing tools have been very accurate in estimating blood sugar levels of a patient over a long period of time. Compared to other tests, the A1C test does not require a patient to fast without food for periods of time since the test can be conducted at any time (Ford-Martin, 2004). A1C Research Tests A research was conducted to test the effectiveness of the A1C diagnosis test in South Korea over a period of 6 years. The test was conducted to find out the best levels for haemoglobin A1C level for different diabetes patients this included patients belonging to different races. The research targeted a total of 10,038 participants were included in this research and they first underwent a 75-g oral glucose test tolerance test at baseline with two year follow up. Among the research participants, 572 of them had a previous history of having diabetes (Ford-Martin, 2004). From the results a receiver operating characteristic curve was used to estimate the diagnostic accuracy of the A1C cut-off. The results established that at the baseline 635 participants representing 6.8% had previously undiagnosed diabetes. An A1C cut-off of 5.9% produced the highest sum of sensitivity at 68% and specificity (91%). At the end of the research, after 6 years 895 (10.2%) participants had developed diabetes. An A1C cut-o ff of 5.6% had the highest sum of sensitivity (59%) and specificity (77%) in the identification of consequent 6-year incident diabetes. After variations in adjustment it was found that men with A1C baseline of 5.6% had a 2.4 fold increased risk while women with the same baseline had a 3.1 fold increased risk of contracting diabetes in the future (Cunha-vaz, 2011). The research study was successful in concluding that patients with a 5.9% A1C cut-off identified participants with undiagnosed diabetes. The study also concluded that people with A1C equal or greater than 5.6% had increased risk of contracting diabetes in the future. Integration of A1C The research study undertaken by researchers on the agreed levels of Haemoglobin A1C test was important in determining the agreed levels of A1C suitable for diagnosing diabetes. From the research we are able to learn that doctors have found out that people with Haemoglobin A1C level of ? 5.6% have a higher risk of contracting diabetes. Due t o the accuracy of using the A1C diagnosis testing, Doctors are now able to easily detect diabetes in the body. Many researchers agree that the A1C test and research was important in coming up with a standardised A1C cut-off which was put at the level of 6.5%. The results of the South Korean research concluded that the A1C levels of 5.9% contributed to patients contracting type 2 diabetes (Cunha-vaz, 2011). While on the other hand, the same study was conducted among the Japanese population and they found out that an A1C cut-off

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Designer Babies Essay Example for Free

Designer Babies Essay How would you like your baby to be? Tall, blonde, smart or sporty? There is now technology which enables us to do this. â€Å"Designer babies† is now an up and coming technology as more and more people are looking into using it to create their â€Å"perfect† child. In this day and age the topic of designer babies is very controversial between people. Some people see it as wrong, that a baby should choose how it lives its life. Not their parent before the baby is even born. Of the U.K’s population doesn’t agree with designer babies, as it’s not the parent’s choice to play with their child’s genetics. However in some cases this is families only option to do this because if they already had a child who need a bone marrow transplant. Scientists can make the siblings match so this designer baby can give some of their own bone marrow to the brother or sister. Most people opinion of creating a designer baby for the purpose of saving another child life is that it’s okay. But only if it’s for these purposes not for cosmetic reasons. It seems if this technology takes off, that we will have a perfect world. Which will make it even harder to get jobs as if everyone is smart then how will people know who is better for the job or if everyone is sporty, who will do all the jobs that require people who are very intelligent. The thing is they don’t know what will happen n the future. There is enough unemployment as it is, never mind adding thousands of smart and sporty people into the mix. On the other hand it is to be said that it can make people live longer. And society thinks if it can make us live longer why it can’t mean that hopefully diseases such as lots of cancers, heart diseases and bowel inconveniences could be wiped out if the genes that give us the diseases are taken out of our future generation before birth. At this point in time they don’t know how the child will turn out later in life. If there is any effects. This is something they don’t know. This is a worrying though, that so many people are having babies this way and there is no real proof that the baby will have no lasting effects or that it will like a perfect normal life. Although people are happy that they can choose the way their child will look like, be like and think like. For some people it’s the only way they can have children. As some parents are infertile so are unable to have children without the help of scientists. Society’s view of this is that if it’s the only way and it’s what you really want. Why not? To conclude I feel that designer babies are the way forward for our society. As it will hopefully in the future be able to cure certain diseases. Also it enables parents with ill children to modify their next child’s genes to save the child they have at the moment

Thursday, November 14, 2019

As I Lay Dying Essay: The Characters -- As I Lay Dying Essays

The Characters in As I Lay Dying The poet's voice need not merely be the record of man, it can be one of the props, the pillars to help him endure and prevail. (excerpt-Faulkner's Nobel Prize acceptance speech)   Ã‚  Ã‚   Analyzing character in a Faulkner novel is like trying to reach the bottom of a bottomless pit because Faulkner's characters often lack ration, speak in telegraphed stream-of-consciousness, and rarely if ever lend themselves to ready analysis.   This is particularly true in As I Lay Dying, a novel of a fragmented and dysfunctional family told through fragmented chapters.   Each character reveals their perspective in different chapters, but the perspectives are true to life in that though they all reveal information about the Bundren family and their struggles to exist they are all limited by the perspective of the character providing the revelations.   The story centers on the death of the mother of the Bundren clan, Addie, whose imminent death creates fragmentation and chaos in the Bundren family because Anse, Addie's husband, has promised to travel to Jefferson to bury her with her family.   Floods, fires, injuries and poor decisions mar the journey, but the fa mily endures and Anse brings home a new Mrs. Bundren.   However, Anse, often read as the most selfish Bundren is the only one prepared to go on with life and accept Addie's death.      Others in the family are not so ready to accept the displacement of their mother so readily.   Among them, Vardaman and Dewey Dell are often portrayed as the least individualized characters in the Bundren family.   Someone once suggests he is a "frightened, perhaps deranged child" and she is a "female vegetable."   These suggestions might be a bit extreme, but defin... ...ner   57).   Vardaman, on the other hand, is even younger than Dewey Dell and seems less able to cope with reality.   However, he does see Darl set fire to the Gillespie's barn and trusts Dewey Dell enough to reveal this to her.   She tells him never to repeat it.   However, Vardaman will be disappointed in the journey as will Dewey Dell.   Only Anse gets what he wants.   Vardaman's train is not in the store window and Dewey Dell is tricked by another man, the pharmacist, into providing sexual favors.   Both are victims of their genetics and their environment, which, at their age, does leave them the least individualized characters in the novel.      WORKS   CITED          Faulkner, W.   As I Lay Dying.   Vintage Books, New York, 1957.       2                                                      

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Insightful feedback Essay

Your money or your data; Ransomware With hackers running rampant today, more demands are given by them, now with old-fashioned ransoms. Computer users are now faced with a virus called â€Å"ransomware†, which gives users an option of either giving up their data or retrieving it with a fee. Ransomware isn’t likely to go away anytime soon, as new options of exchanging money are now on the internet, from companies such as bitcoin and Paypal, criminals might find them a haven to go to, as there can be anonymity and use of digital currency. Additionally, its programmers are always ahead since they are constantly modifying their code, which keeps them in an advantageous position, and unfortunately, not all their victims get a fair share, many have gotten a broken promise to ransomware’s demands. While this problem will persist, web-users must protect themselves with the best possible solutions to the attack of ransomware’s programmers. Feedback: Never start a sentence with â€Å"With†. Your message appears unclear, it need adjustments. Instead of saying: â€Å"†¦which gives users an option of either giving up their data or retrieving it with a fee.† You can say: Users are deceived into downloading a malicious software that hijacks storage files in their drive(s); prompting the hijacker(s) to demand a ransom before said files are released. Always create multiple drafts before arriving at a conclusion. Start Wilth a long version then refine it. Do it over and over again, until it sounds like something a reporter will say. Read it aloud! If you pause, put a comma. If you run out of breath. put a full stop. Again, always create more than one draft, then refine it until there’s nothing left to add.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Concept analysis Essay

The purpose of this paper is to expand the understanding of the concept of trust and its relation to the nursing profession as it functions as a whole. Trust is fundamental in all successful relationships from business to personal. Without trust there is no confidence to believe in what someone is telling or doing for you. Thousands of articles result from googling the word trust. Countless way to build trust in the workplace, with your loved ones, and in leadership are noted. Forbes magazine acknowledges the importance of trust in leadership and builds strategies based on trust to bring companies to higher profit levels and increased productivity (Horsager, 2012). Numerous polls on most trusted professions, place nursing in the top ten demonstrating the connection patients feel with nurses and their trust in them to have their best interest at hand (Wilson, 2012). According to Kahn (2013) â€Å"Nurses have ranked highest in honesty and ethics in America since Gallup began including the profession in the poll in 1999† (pp.2). The word trust is continually referenced throughout the ANA Code of Ethics as a basis for effective communication in all working and patient relationships. Trust is the groundwork for not only all nursing care but in any professional setting and without it relationships are compromised. So what is trust? Webster’s Dictionary defines trust the noun as the assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something; a charge or duty imposed in faith or confidence or as a condition of some relationship something committed or entrusted to one to be used or cared for in the interest of another (Trust, 2014). According to Changing Minds, (2013) â€Å"trust is both and emotional and logical act. Emotionally, it is where you expose your vulnerabilities to people, but believing they will not take advantage of your openness. Logically, it is where you have assessed the probabilities of gain and loss, calculating expected and concluded that the person in question will behave in a predictable manner  (pp.1). Dinc & Gastmens, (2013) describe trust as â€Å"a belief that our good will be taken care of or as an attitude bound to time and space in which one relies with confidence on someone or something, and as a willingness to engage oneself in a relationship with an acceptance that vulnerability may arise† (p.502). â€Å"When we trust others we accept that they will act honestly and that we can depend on them to behave in a predictable way, and that they won’t abuse our trust (Getting Comfy, 2013). Our dependence on those we trust leaves us vulnerable and we are essentially accepting that area of vulnerability: Dinc & Gastmans (2011) states, â€Å"Where one depends on another’s good will, one is necessarily vulnerable to the limits of that good will, and gives others an opportunity t o harm when one trusts, and shows confidence that they will not take it† (p. 224). Horsager, (2012) discussed the concept of trust in the following statement: As a leader, you are trusted only to the degree that people believe in your ability. Be open and transparent. Keep people informed. People are often more concerned by what they do not know than what they do. Explain your decision making process and the rationale for your decisions. Admit when there are problems and make relevant information available† (pp.4). Studies revealed that patients have a pre-existing trust, due to previous experiences with health-care providers, and a confidence in the nursing profession due to their extensive education (Dinc & Gastmens, 2013). â€Å"Authenticity in nursing leadership is often described as the glue needed to hold together a healthy work environment† (Pross & Sherman, 2010, pp. ). The general population has an initial trust in our law enforcement agencies due to trus t in the government’s intense application and training process. As infants we learn basic trust or mistrust depending on how well nurtured we are by our parents. Mcleod, (2013) explains, â€Å"If the care the infant receives is consistent, predictable and reliable they will develop a sense of trust† (pp.2.). Stockbrokers are trusted with life savings to invest and make sound judgments because they have proven their ability to produce large returns. Pastors are trusted that the sermon they preach is from the Bible, and we have faith, and hope that the Bible is true. Marriages thrive or fail all based on the trust of each other in the relationship. There are many facets to what trust actually means for each situation but all require certain factors to achieve that trust. The nurse- patient relationship  requires several conditions to establish trust. According to Dinc & Gastmans (2013) â€Å"availability and accessibility of the nurse, feeling emotionally and physically safe, feeling at home and valued as an individual, feeling adequately informed, and respectful communication† (p.507). In the professional context of a nurse it begins with a reliance on skills that then has the opportunity to evolve as a relationship is established through communication and actions. Raeve, (2014) states, â€Å"Patients appear to trust in a nurse’s skills made manifest through her professional qualifications† (p.157). When we meet someone outside of this context we rarely have and immediate trust of them. Trust in the laymen’s definition is something that is earned, over time and experience of prior social interactions. It’s a confidence and knowing that our closest friends will not do us harm. This is where the nursing profession is unique in that trust is given where no time has been available to earn that type of trust. Mathias, Pullen & Richard (2010) articulated a deeper understanding of fostering trust with patients: â€Å"A therapeutic nurse-patient relationship is defined as a helping relationship that’s based on mutual trust and respect, the nurturing of faith and hope, being sensitive to self and others, and assisting with the gratification of your patient’s physical, emotional, and spiritual needs through your knowledge an d skill† (p.4) In the nurse-patient relationship, trust is built mainly through our ability as well as demonstration of benevolence by providing care with their best interest in mind as well as open communication. Mathias, Pullen. & Richard (2010) listed the following as guidelines for nurses to establish trust with their patients: 1. Introduce yourself to your patient and use her name while talking with her. A handshake at your initial meeting is often a good way to quickly establish trust and respect. 2. Make sure your patient has privacy when you provide care. Be sure that her basic needs are met, including relieving pain or other sources of discomfort. 3. Actively listen to your patient. Make sure you understand her concerns by restating what she has verbalized. 4. Maintain eye contact. Remember, too much eye contact can be intimidating. Smile at intervals and nod your head as you and your patient engage in conversation. Speak calmly and slowly in terms that she can understand. Your voice inflection should say â€Å"I care about you.† 5. Maintain professional  boundaries. Some patients need more therapeutic touch, such as hand-holding and hugging, than others and some patients prefer no touching. Always respect different cultures (pp.2). Common phrases containing the concept trust includes: trust and obey, in God we trust, trust is a two way street and trust your instincts. After analyzing all the uses of the concept of trust and what they have in common, I came up with the following critical attributes: Belief in ability and effectiveness to do something Genuine care and consideration for the best interest of all parties Interests are considered and respected Integrity displayed through consistency of action. Model case A patient is being admitted for an outpatient surgery, the nurse enters and introduces herself, tells her how long she has been a nurse and explains the process of what she will be doing. She then explains what will come throughout the surgical process from admission to recovery (belief in ability and effectiveness to do something). As the medication list is reviewed the nurse notices that the patient has a medication that is contraindicated with another she is taking and discusses this with the patient. The patient then expresses that she has been having side effects that she did not realize were from those the mix of medications. She thanks the nurse for noticing the mix up and states she feels so grateful to have her as her nurse today (genuine care and consideration). The nurse tell the patient she has to shave the groin area for the procedure. The patient appears somewhat apprehensive, so as the nurse pulls the curtain she explains what she will be doing and uses a towel to cove r exposed areas as she works (privacy and respect). The surgical bath is prepared as the nurse walks the patient through the process. The patient is a little more comfortable this time and as she is given a towel to cover exposed areas, she is more helpful as the nurse washes (consistency of action). Next the nurse must start the IV, the patient expressed her concern that the last time she was poked multiple times and that no one would listen to her when she told them the best placement. The nurse acknowledges this information and thanks her. She proceeds to look at the placement the patient prefers  and informs her that she will place the IV there. As she finishes up she explains to the patient that although sometimes we can go where you prefer , that it’s not always possible but to always speak up to the nurses because it is helpful (interests are considered and respected). Contrary Case A patient is waiting in the ER bay, the nurse walks in offering no introduction but hands the patient a gown stating, â€Å"put this on only underwear on underneath.† At the same time the nurse starts with a rush of questioning while the patient gets up to pull the curtain herself (no privacy or respect). The patient tries to describe her symptoms and the pain she is in but the nurse cuts her off mid-sentence and tells her to just tell the doctor when he arrives, she is only here to get a history, vitals and start fluids (no genuine care or consideration). The patient inquires as to how long the nurse has been practicing to which the nurse replies, â€Å"awhile† (No belief in ability). The nurse then begins to look at patients arm to look for IV placement, the patient tells the nurse easiest placement usually is from past experiences. The nurse tells the patient she hates when people try to tell her how to do her job (interests are not considered or respected). The nurs e then walks away and tells the patient she will be back to which a different nurse returns to continue the admission (no consistency of action). Borderline Case A patient is waiting for nurse to give her medications. The nurse comes in on time as always with the medications (consistency of action). The nurse remembers to bring in the patients favorite juice to take the pills down with (interests are considered). The patient tells the nurse she needs to use the bedside commode first so the nurse closes the door and tells the patient to push the call light once she has finished (privacy and respect). The nurse returns prepares to give the patient an injection but when the patient asks exactly what the injection is for the nurse does not know and simply responds, â€Å"it’s just something the doctor wants you to have.† The nurse then calls another nurse to verify where the shot should be given, all the while the patient is now concerned that the nurse should not be  administering the medication (no belief in ability or effectiveness to do something). Concepts related to trust: Integrity Benevolence Credibility Confidence Veracity Invented Case A boy spots a rainbow in the sky and is filled with excitement because if he finds the end he knows a pot of gold is waiting for him. The boy tells his best friend who has a special map that he drew just for this occasion and gives it to him to follow (belief in ability and effectiveness). The best friends tells him he wants to go to, that he has always dreamed of this day and so the boy invites him to come along (interests are considered). The two set off on their way to find the end of the rainbow and encounter a fork in the road. The boy admits he has no sense of direction and that every time his best friend chooses which way to go they end up in the right place (consistency of action). Together they decide to go right and before they know it they are at the end of the rainbow. As they approach a leprechaun appears and asks the boys to turn around so they won’t see where he hides the gold, the boys oblige and the leprechaun returns with a pot of gold (privacy and respect). Illegitimate Case An illegitimate use of the term â€Å"trust† Definition: Firm reliance on the integrity, ability, or character of a person or thing. Use: â€Å"Trust me, I know what I’m doing.† Antecedents Consistency Integrity Communication Competence Consequences of Trust Commitment Cooperation Therapeutic relationships Respect Conflict Resolution In conclusion, the concept of trust remains a broad concept as a whole however it is better defined as it relates to each circumstance. Trust is continually evolving in the nurse patient relationship and as we become more educated and socially and emotionally aware, we are better able to assess the context of and redefine the way trust is established for that moment. Knowing the basics of building trust is just a stepping stone to becoming better leaders within our profession as we apply the skills across the continuum from patients to co-workers and other health professionals. References Changing Minds. (2013). What is Trust? Retrieved March 8, 2014 from: Dinc, L., & Gastmans, C. (2011). Trust and trustworthiness in nursing: an argument-based literature review. Academic Journal, 19 (3), 223-237.doi:10.1111/j.1440-1800.2011.00582.x Dinà §, L., & Gastmans, C. (2013). Trust in nurse–patient relationships: A literature review, 20 (5), 501-516. doi: Getting Comfy. (2013). Why Trust is the Foundation of Leadership. Retrieved March 5, 2014 from: Horsager, D. (2012). You Can’t Be a Great Leader Without Trust. Here’s How You Build It. Retrieved March 3, 2014 from: Kahn, J. (2013). Nurses Are the Most Trusted Professionals in America. Retrieved March 5, 2014 from:// nurses-are-the-most-trusted-professionals-in-america/ Mathias, T., & Pullen, R. (2010). Fostering therapeutic nurse-patient relationships. Nursing Made Incredibly Easy, 8(3), 4.doi:

Friday, November 8, 2019

Drugs Issue essays

Drugs Issue essays IS THE HOWARD GOVERNMENT DOING ENOUGH TO STOP THE DRUG PROBLEM IN AUSTRALIA? 1n 1999, 737 Australians died of a heroin overdose. This is double what it was in 1993. Prime Minister John Howard was elected in 1996, and only now, after 5 years has he finally acknowledged the drug problem in Australia. Recently the government has introduced a 27 million dollar anti-drugs strategy. This strategy, which will include education, crime prevention, law enforcement and rehabilitation, is already underway. A parental education booklet was sent to every household last week, explaining to parents the effects drugs have on teenagers and what to look out for. In this booklet John Howard has strongly stated that Parents guidance has strongest influence on children than anything else. By making statements such as these he is trying to put the blame on parents, not taking any responsibility on his behalf. He does not seem to realize the majority of children will listen to friends before their parents; all the morals in the world will not stop reckless teenagers. To follow up this booklet are a set of television commercials set up to shock viewers. Drug experts believe the ads will only shock the parents watching them. The ads feature teenagers resorting to crime and prostition to feed their habits, the ads also show death as a warning to teenagers of what can happen. The problem with these ads are they wont work. Why? Because anyone trying drugs for the first time will not be stealing from others or selling their bodies to pay for it. The ads are showing what can happen in very extreme cases. When teenagers use drugs for the first time they will not associate with these ads because they are simply experimenting and wanting to have fun, the last thing on their mind is, will I die like in those ads for smoking a bit of dope or drinking alcohol? It is true that most heroin users started using alcohol and ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

A History of the Guillotine in Europe

A History of the Guillotine in Europe The guillotine is one of European historys most bloody icons. Although designed with the best of intentions, this hugely recognizable machine soon became associated with events that have overshadowed both its heritage and its development: the French Revolution. Yet, despite such a high profile and chilling reputation, histories of la guillotine remain muddled, often differing on quite basic details. Learn about the events that brought the guillotine to prominence, and also the machines place in a broader history of decapitation which, as far as France is concerned, finished only recently. Pre-Guillotine Machines - the Halifax Gibbet Although older narratives may tell you that the guillotine was invented in the late 18th century, most recent accounts recognize that similar decapitation machines have a long history. The most famous, and possibly one of the earliest, was the Halifax Gibbet, a monolithic wooden structure which was supposedly created from two fifteen foot high uprights capped by a horizontal beam. The blade was an axe head, attached to the bottom of a four and a half foot wooden block that slid up and down via grooves in the uprights. This device was mounted on a large, square, platform which was itself four foot high. The Halifax Gibbet was certainly substantial, and may date from as early as 1066, although the first definite reference is from the 1280s. Executions took place in the towns Market Place on Saturdays, and the machine remained in use until April 30th, 1650. Pre-Guillotine Machines in Ireland Another early example is immortalized in the picture The execution of Murcod Ballagh near to Merton in Ireland 1307. As the title suggests, the victim was called Murcod Ballagh, and he was decapitated by equipment which looks remarkably similar to the later French guillotines. Another, unrelated, picture depicts the combination of a guillotine style machine and a traditional beheading. The victim is lying on a bench, with an axe head held above his neck by some sort of mechanism. The difference lies in the executioner, who is shown wielding a large hammer, ready to strike the mechanism and drive the blade down. If this device existed, it may have been an attempt to improve the accuracy of the impact. Use of Early Machines There were many other machines, including the Scottish Maiden - a wooden construction based directly on the Halifax Gibbet, dating from the mid 16th century - and the Italian Mannaia, which was famously used to execute Beatrice Cenci, a woman whose life is obscured by clouds of myth. Beheading was usually reserved for the wealthy or powerful as it was considered to be nobler, and certainly less painful, than other methods; the machines were similarly restricted. However, the Halifax Gibbet is an important, and often overlooked, exception, because it was used to execute anyone breaking the relevant laws, including the poor. Although these decapitation machines certainly existed - the Halifax Gibbet was alleged to have been only one out of a hundred similar devices in Yorkshire - they were generally localized, with a design and use unique to their region; the French guillotine was to be very different. Pre-Revolutionary Methods of French Execution Many methods of execution were used across France in the early 18th century, ranging from the painful, to the grotesque, bloody and painful. Hanging and burning were common, as were more imaginative methods, such as tying the victim to four horses and forcing these to gallop in different directions, a process that tore the individual apart. The rich or powerful could be beheaded with axe or sword, while many suffered the compilation of death and torture that comprised hanging, drawing and quartering. These methods had a twofold purpose: to punish the criminal  and to act as a warning for others; accordingly, the majority of executions took place in public. Opposition to these punishments was slowly growing, due mainly to the ideas and philosophies of the Enlightenment thinkers - people such as Voltaire and Locke - who argued for humanitarian methods of execution. One of these was Dr. Joseph-Ignace Guillotin; however, it is unclear whether the doctor was an advocate of capital punishment, or someone who wanted it to be, ultimately, abolished. Dr. Guillotins Proposals The  French Revolution  began in 1789, when an attempt to relieve a financial crisis exploded very much in the faces of the monarchy. A meeting called an Estates General transformed into a National Assembly which seized control of the moral and practical power at the heart of France, a process which convulsed the country, re-shaping the countrys social, cultural and political makeup. The legal system was reviewed immediately. On October 10th 1789 - the second day of the debate about Frances penal code - Dr. Guillotin proposed six articles to the  new Legislative Assembly, one of which called for decapitation to become the sole method of execution in France. This was to be carried out by a simple machine, and involve no torture. Guillotin presented an etching that illustrated one possible device, resembling an ornate, but hollow, stone column with a falling blade, operated by an effete executioner cutting the suspension rope. The machine was also hidden from the view of large crowds, according with Guillotins view that execution should be private and dignified. This suggestion was rejected; some accounts describe the Doctor being laughed, albeit nervously, out of the Assembly. Narratives often ignore the other five reforms: one asked for a nationwide standardisation in punishment, while others concerned the treatment of the criminals family, who were not to be harmed or discredited; property, which was not to be confiscated; and corpses, which were to be returned to the families. When Guillotin proposed his articles again on December 1st 1789, these five recommendations were accepted, but the beheading machine was, again, rejected. Growing Public Support The situation developed in 1791, when the Assembly agreed - after weeks of discussion - to retain the death penalty; they then began to discuss a more humane and egalitarian method of execution, as many of the previous techniques were felt to be too barbaric and unsuitable. Beheading was the preferred option, and the Assembly accepted a new, albeit repetitive, proposal by the Marquis Lepeletier de Saint-Fargeau, decreeing that Every person condemned to the death penalty shall have his head severed. Guillotins notion of a decapitation machine began to grow in popularity, even if the Doctor himself had abandoned it. Traditional methods like the sword or axe could prove messy and difficult, especially if the executioner missed or the prisoner struggled; a machine would not only be fast and reliable, but it would never tire. Frances main executioner, Charles-Henri Sanson, championed these final points. The First Guillotine Is Built The Assembly - working through Pierre-Louis Roederer, the Procureur gà ©nà ©ral - sought advice from Doctor Antoine Louis, the Secretary of the Academy of Surgery in France, and his design for a quick, painless, decapitation machine was given to Tobias Schmidt, a German Engineer. It is unclear whether Louis drew his inspiration from existing devices, or whether he designed from afresh. Schmidt built the  first guillotine  and tested it, initially on animals, but later on human corpses. It comprised two fourteen-foot uprights joined by a crossbar, whose internal edges were grooved and greased with tallow; the weighted blade was either straight, or curved like an axe. The system was operated via a rope and pulley, while the whole construction was mounted on a high platform. The final testing took place at a hospital in Bicà ªtre, where three carefully chosen corpses - those of strong, stocky men - were successfully beheaded. The first execution took place on April 25th, 1792, when a highwayman called Nicholas-Jacques Pelletier was killed. Further improvements were made, and an independent report to Roederer recommended a number of changes, including metal trays to collect blood; at some stage the famous angled blade was introduced and the high platform abandoned, replaced by a basic scaffold. The Guillotine Spreads Throughout France This improved machine was accepted by the Assembly, and copies were sent to each of the new territorial regions, named Departments. Pariss own was initially based at the place de  Carroussel, but the device was frequently moved. In the aftermath of Pelletiers execution the contraption became known as the Louisette or Louison, after Dr. Louis; however, this name was soon lost, and other titles emerged. At some stage, the machine became known as the  Guillotin, after Dr. Guillotin - whose main contribution had been a set of legal articles - and then finally la guillotine. It is also unclear precisely why, and when, the final e was added, but it probably developed out of attempts to rhyme Guillotin in poems and chants. Dr Guillotin himself wasnt very happy at being adopted as the name. The Machine Open to All The guillotine may have been similar in form and function to other, older, devices, but it broke new ground: an entire country officially, and unilaterally, adopted this decapitation machine for all of its executions. The same design was shipped out to all the regions, and each was operated in the same manner, under the same laws; there was supposed to be no local variation. Equally, the guillotine was designed to administer a fast and painless death to anyone, regardless of age, sex or wealth, an embodiment of such concepts as equality and humanity. Before the French Assemblys 1791 decree beheading was usually reserved for the rich or powerful, and it continued to be in other parts of Europe; however, Frances guillotine was available to all. The Guillotine Is Quickly Adopted Perhaps the most unusual aspect of the guillotines history is the sheer speed and scale of its adoption and use. Born out of a discussion in 1789 that had actually considered banning the death penalty, the machine had been used to kill over 15,000 people by the Revolutions close in 1799, despite not being fully invented until the middle of 1792. Indeed, by 1795, only a year and a half after its first use, the guillotine had decapitated over a thousand people in Paris alone. Timing certainly played a part, because the machine was introduced across France only months before a bloody new period in the revolution: The Terror. The Terror In 1793, political events caused a new governmental body to be introduced: The  Committee of Public Safety. This was supposed to work quickly and effectively, protecting the Republic from enemies and solving problems with the necessary force; in practice, it became a dictatorship run by Robespierre. The committee demanded the arrest and execution of anyone who either by their conduct, their contacts, their words or their writings, showed themselves to be supporters of tyranny, of federalism, or to be enemies of liberty (Doyle, The  Oxford History of the French Revolution, Oxford, 1989 p.251). This loose definition could cover almost everyone, and during the years 1793-4 thousands were sent to the guillotine. It is important to remember that, of the many who perished during the terror, most were not guillotined. Some were shot, others drowned, while in Lyon, on the 4 to the 8th of December 1793, people were lined up in front of open graves and shredded by grape-shot from cannons. Despite this, the guillotine became synonymous with the period, transforming into a social and political symbol of equality, death and the Revolution. The Guillotine Passes Into Culture It is easy to see why the quick, methodical, movement of the machine should have transfixed both France and Europe. Every execution involved a fountain of blood from the victims neck, and the sheer number of people being beheaded could create red pools, if not actual flowing streams. Where executioners once prided themselves on their skill, speed now became the focus; 53 people were executed by the Halifax Gibbet between 1541 and 1650, but some guillotines exceeded that total in a single day. The gruesome images coupled easily with morbid humour, and the machine became a cultural icon affecting fashion, literature, and even childrens toys. After the Terror, the Victims Ball became fashionable: only relatives of the executed could attend, and these guests dressed with their hair up and their necks exposed, mimicking the condemned. For all the fear and bloodshed of the Revolution, the guillotine doesnt appear to have been hated or reviled, indeed, the contemporary nicknames, things like the national razor, the widow, and Madame Guillotine seem to be more accepting than hostile. Some sections of society even referred, although probably largely in jest, to a  Saint Guillotine  who would save them from tyranny. It is, perhaps, crucial that the device was never associated wholly with any one single group, and that Robespierre himself was guillotined, enabling the machine to rise above petty party politics, and establish itself as an arbiter of some higher justice. Had the guillotine been seen as the tool of a group who became hated, then the guillotine might have been rejected, but by staying almost neutral it lasted, and became its own thing. Was the Guillotine to Blame? Historians have debated whether The Terror would have been possible without the guillotine, and its widespread reputation as a humane, advanced, and altogether revolutionary piece of equipment. Although water and gunpowder laid behind much of the slaughter, the guillotine was a focal point: did the population accept this new, clinical, and merciless machine as their own, welcoming its common standards when they might have balked at mass hangings and separate, weapon based, beheadings? Given the size and death toll of other European incidents within the same decade, this might be unlikely; but whatever the situation, la guillotine had become known across Europe within only a few years of its invention. Post-Revolutionary Use The history of the guillotine does not end with the French Revolution. Many other countries adopted the machine, including Belgium, Greece, Switzerland, Sweden and some German states; French colonialism also helped to export the device abroad. Indeed, France continued to use, and improve upon, the guillotine for at least another century. Leon Berger, a carpenter and executioners assistant, made a number of refinements in the early 1870s. These included springs to cushion the falling parts (presumably repeated use of the earlier design could damage the infrastructure), as well as a new release mechanism. The Berger design became the new standard for all French guillotines. A further, but very  short lived,  change  occurred under the executioner Nicolas Roch in the late 19th century; he included a board at the top to cover the blade, hiding it from an approaching victim. Rochs successor had the screen swiftly removed. Public executions continued in France until 1939, when Eugene Weidmann became the last open-air victim. It had thus taken nearly one hundred and fifty years for the practice to comply with Guillotins original wishes, and be hidden from the public eye. Although the machines use had gradually fallen after the revolution, executions in Hitlers Europe rose to a level that neared, if not exceeded, that of The Terror. The last State use of the guillotine in France occurred on September 10th  Ã¢â‚¬â€¹1977,  when Hamida Djandoubi was executed; there should have been another in 1981, but the intended victim, Philippe Maurice, was granted clemency. The death penalty was abolished in France that same year. The  Infamy of the Guillotine There have been many methods of execution used in Europe, including the mainstay of hanging and the more recent firing squad, but none have quite the lasting reputation or imagery as the guillotine, a machine which continues to provoke fascination. The guillotines creation is often blurred into the, almost immediate, period of its most famous use and the machine has become the most characteristic element of the French Revolution. Indeed, although the history of decapitation machines stretches back at least eight hundred years, often involving constructions that were almost identical to the guillotine, it is this later device which dominates. The guillotine is certainly evocative, presenting a chilling image entirely at odds with the original intention of a painless death. Dr. Guillotin Finally, and contrary to legend, Doctor Joseph Ignace Guillotin was not executed by his own machine; he lived until  1814,  and died of biological causes.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Periodic Table Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Periodic Table - Essay Example Mercury is one of the noble metals. It appears near the bottom of the activity series and is very inactive. It is not affected by oxygen of the air at ordinary temperatures, but if heated to about 300oC it slowly combines with oxygen to form mercury (II) oxide. It does not dissolve in the monoxidizing acids, but dissolves readily in nitric acid to form mercury (II) nitrate (King, Caldwell and Williams 604).. Mercury was known to the ancient Chinese and Hindus and has been found in 3500 year old Egyptian tombs. Mercury is not usually found free in nature and is primarily obtained from the mineral cinnabar (HgS). Spain and Italy produce about half of the world's supply of Mercury (Gagnon). The element mercury is a metal which is liquid at room temperature. Mercury is a bit like lead but it's liquid. You can hold it in your hand. Heavy (density 13.6), in fact so heavy that objects such as bricks, cannonballs, and lumps of lead or iron will float in Mercury. Gold doesn't float in mercury - it behaves more like sugar in tea! Mercury does not stick to magnets, so if it gets into your carpets or under your floorboards it will be a long-term problem. Mercury vapour makes nice bright lights but is not for breathing. The highly reflective surface of the Mercury makes it the stuff of mirrors. It's also used for thermometers, barometers, electrical devices, etc. However the problem is the cumulative poisonous nature. In the pure metal form it's relatively inert, so not so deadly, but in compounds such as mercuric chloride. Mercury is a liquid it is not wet. It has a negative coefficient of surface tension, which means that the meniscus on the surface is the other way up from no rmal, or to put it another way it does not soak into material but more runs off in the style of "water off a duck's back (The Element Mercury). Mercury vapor and its salts are poisonous, though the free metal may be taken internally under certain conditions. Because of its relatively low boiling point (629.88 K or 356.73oC or 674.11oF) and hence volatile in nature, free mercury should never be allowed to stand in an open container in the laboratory. Evidence shows that inhalation of its vapors is injurious (King et al. 605). When it comes to versatility, mercury is number one. It has many used for today's common man and mad scientist. Being the only metal which is liquid at room temperature mercury has some specialist uses: It is used in thermometers because it has a large thermal expansion which is constant over a large temperature range although it is being phased out in favour of safer liquids. It is also used in barometers and manometers due to its high density. From this it has also become a way of measuring pressure in millimetres of mercury. Mercury can be used to make thermometers, barometers and other scientific instruments. Mercury conducts electricity and is used to make silent, position dependent switches. Mercury vapor is used in streetlights, fluorescent lamps and advertising signs. Mercury is also a good thermal conductor, making it an excellent shield and coolant in nuclear reactors. Mercury vapor is used instead of steam in the boilers of some turbine (Encyclopedia Britannica). Mercury easily forms alloys with other metals, such as gold, silver, zinc and cadmium. These alloys are called amalgams. Amalgams are used to help extract gold from its ores. Some mercury is used in the preparati on of dental amalgams of silver and gold for filling

Friday, November 1, 2019

Social learning theory by Albert Bandura Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Social learning theory by Albert Bandura - Essay Example The behaviors acquired by individuals usually learned to use observation through modeling. People observe other people’s actions and activities, and then the behaviors performed. Resulting to coding of information, this serves as a guide for their actions. Learning, therefore, becomes the critical issue to be considered. Realization of effective learning has been made possible through the availability of learning theories. Learning theories are framework describing different ways of absorbing information, processing, and how this information is normally retained during the process of learning. Learning is significant in bringing out cognitive, environmental influences, emotional and experience for acquiring different qualities. These qualities include values; effecting changes in the individual’s knowledge and how they view the world learning theories have of significance in the definition of personal philosophies especially to teachers. Learning theories normally categ orized into different categories, which include behaviorism, constructivism and cognitive. Behaviorism learning put emphasis on aspects, which can be observed, cognitive learning, on the other hand, cognitive learning theories not only looks at the observable behaviors, but also tries to explain learning, which are mainly becoming brain-based. Constructivism, however, looks learning as a process where the learner builds new concepts and ideas. Albert Bandura is one of the known theorists who contributed significantly in learning theories; he came up with the social learning theory (McLeod, 2011). The social learning theory is a class of behaviorism theory; the theory is most significant in criminology. Albert Bandura believed that aggression in learning, which normally learned through behavior modeling. The theorist hold a believe that violent tendencies by individuals usually not inherited but rather modeled through various principles. He argued that persons acquire responses throu gh observing other people’s behavior, by means of media, environment or observing personally. He then stated that individuals holds a believe that aggression mainly accompanied by reinforcements. The reinforcements usually formulated into tension reduction, building of self-esteem, acquiring financial rewards and gaining praise from others. Albert Bandura in his Bobo doll experiment, find out how children would imitate the adults when they are aggressive when they gain rewards, his interest was largely in development of a child. He believed that early diagnosis of aggression in children would lead to children reframing from becoming adult criminals. He then argued children aggression normally influenced by the reinforcement they acquire from their family members, environment and the media. Albert Bandura’s experiment, the Bobo doll experiment, t is significant because it triggers several studies to be conducted concerning the effects of social learning theory. The topi c was significant in that it will determine the extent of aggression among children, in relation to observational learning. Albert Bandura the father of social learning theory was born in 1925, in Mundare Canada. In his early stages of life, Bandura was raised in a small farming community, in his hometown, in Canada. In 1949, Bandura received a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of British Colombia he also obtains his Ph.D in 1952 from the Universi